Every client has a target audience. What is yours?
Lorelein González has one and we help her define it.


“More than 150 registered in my programs and more than 3,000 people in my webinars. Part of the people registered for my program was for the support of Fela Media to create campaigns based on my audience to be able to generate sales on the right people, who were ready to buy ”
What did we do for Lorelein González?
With this particular client, we focus, first of all, on getting its audience, and then we can design specific campaigns that will help it contact the right people, with the ideal buyers. Likewise, we help her with designing the images for the Ads, following their graphic line, so that in this way everything makes sense, and attracts attention.
Ads instragram and for Facebook
Ads, for Instagram and for Facebook
Ads are used to reach the target audience of your brand, people who have interests similar to your products or services, that is why we have helped Lorelein González with perfect Ads for her brand, and for her audience.
Landing page
We have also supported you in making your landing, which is one of the most important tools when having a business today. We are guided by your graphic line, and we help you to have a landing worthy of your service and person.
Landing in phone
8250 Exchange Dr Suite 120
Orlando, FL 32809, USA
Phone: (786) 828-5753
Rua D Antonio José Cordeiro
Building 7, Aveiro, Aveiro 3800003
Phone: +351 924 411 111
Av Lázaro Cárdenas 2225, Valle Oriente,
San Pedro Garza García, N.L. 66260
Phone: +528141707411